Community tourism in Ecuador. Understanding community-based tourism from the community
community-based tourism, turismo comunitario, community, ecuadorAbstract
The growing impetus of community-based tourism (CBT) as a means of achieving sustainable tourism and a strategy for social development forces us to seek a deeper understanding of this phenome- non. This paper proposes an analytical focus on the community as a theoretical/methodological tactic. The empirical reference point in this research paper is the concept of turismo comunitario (TC) in Ecua- dor, where five communities were chosen to conduct an indepth ethnographic study. By means of a conclusion, a comprehensive framework is put forward for TC, founded on three main pillars: the analy- tical centrality of the communities; the consideration of TC as a ‘translation’ rather than an ‘adaptation’ to the market; and the fortifying - rather than debilitating - nature of TC for the communities involved. This provides a series of factors that can be used to gain a general understanding of CBT, from a theore- tical point of view, and which can also be used to evaluate the social viability of CBT projects and expe- riments.
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