Evaluation of performance and training in the tourism sector: A bibliometric study from the psychology of human resources


  • Yamila Fernanda Silva Peralta
  • Carmen Rafaela Pensado




tourism sector, HR psychology, performance evaluation, training


A descriptive bibliometric study is presented in which it is analysed the scientific literature about performance evaluation and training in tourism sector regarding HR Psychology perspective. 26 scientific documents were found about this topic between 1982-2008 years. More than the 50% of the documents are concentrated between 2004-2008 years. 44 authors have written these documents, in gen- eral they only have published one time. More than the 30% of the authors become from North American universities. The thematic analysis permitted to classify the content in three levels: individual, organiza- tional and regarding the tourism sector. Documents emphasized the balance between HR policies and organizational reality to survive and to develop during the long term.


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Author Biographies

Yamila Fernanda Silva Peralta

Yamila Fernanda Silva Peralta. Master en Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y de los RRHH. Doctoran- da en el Programa “Psicología de los RRHH” de la Universidad de Barcelona. Docente en Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata y Universidad Atlántida Argentina.

Carmen Rafaela Pensado

Carmen Rafaela Pensado. Lic. Administración de Empresas y Lic en Psicología. Docente en Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Universidad Atlántida Argentina y Universidad CAECE.


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How to Cite

Silva Peralta, Y. F., & Pensado, C. R. (2010). Evaluation of performance and training in the tourism sector: A bibliometric study from the psychology of human resources. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(1), 13–30. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2010.08.002

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