From Strategic Planning to City Branding: Some Empirical Evidence in Italy


  • Paolo Rizzi
  • Ilaria Dioli



Strategic planning, Place marketing, City branding, Events hosting, Tourism and foreign direct investment attraction


In a globalized world where places compete with each other, the image of the city plays a crucial role to attract tourists and investors, and to make citizens stay with satisfaction and avoid their moving away. By exploring the connections and implications between theory and empirical outcomes of some Italian cities as to its attractiveness for tourists and investors, this paper intends to offer a useful overview both for academicians and practitioners. The purpose is not only to go through the extensive literature on strategic planning place marketing and city branding, but to focus specifically on some Italian  cases  (Turin,  Genoa,  Venice,  Piacenza),  where  the  application  of  the  above  mentioned instruments has provided interesting results to compare.


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Author Biographies

Paolo Rizzi

Director of Laboratory of Local Economy (LEL) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza

Ilaria Dioli

Researcher of Laboratory of Local Economy (LEL) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza


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How to Cite

Rizzi, P., & Dioli, I. (2010). From Strategic Planning to City Branding: Some Empirical Evidence in Italy. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(3), 39–49.

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