The Alto Douro Wine Region World Heritage Site: The complexity of a preservation program


  • Lina ourenço-Gomes
  • João Rebelo



World Heritage, UNESCO, Living and evolving cultural landscape, Preservation


The Alto Douro Wine Region (ADW) was listed by UNESCO in 2001 as a living and evolving cultural landscape. Besides the physical diversity of the landscape, there is a multiplicity of actors involved in ADW preservation defined at three levels: i) instruments and public entities (in terms of land management); ii) property rights definition and liability management (asset level); and iii) stakeholders (as regard the preservation effects). In this paper, we define the relevant attributes to formulate a program to preserve and safeguard the ADW, based on the evidence suggested in a previous study, on the results of a pretest and using information from public discussions and meetings with experts. The research carried out shows that the attributes to consider are: (a) terraced vineyards supported by schist walls, (b) landscape mosaic with agricultural diversity, including plots planted with and bordered by traditional crops, (c) traditional agglomerations and built heritage and, (d) a price, expressed by an annual tax increase per household..


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Author Biographies

Lina ourenço-Gomes

Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento (CETRAD), Departamento de Economia Sociologia e Gestão (DESG)

João Rebelo

Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento (CETRAD), Departamento de Economia Sociologia e Gestão (DESG)


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How to Cite

ourenço-Gomes, L., & Rebelo, J. (2012). The Alto Douro Wine Region World Heritage Site: The complexity of a preservation program. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 10(1), 3–17.