Structuration and branding of a religious tourism product: catalonia sacra


  • Dolors Vidal Casellas
  • Sílvia Aulet Serrallonga
  • Neus Crous Costa



religious tourism, routes, religious heritage, holy art, religious tourism product branding, symbolic meaning


This article aims to provide an overview of the products Catalonia has to offer in terms of religious tourism. The growing interest in this kind of tourism worldwide, and in Catalonia itself, along with the region’s wealth of religious heritage (particularly connected to the Christian Church) contrast with the lack of religion-based tourism products available, which results in its absence from the region’s image as a tourism destination. In view of this, the Faculty of Tourism (University of Girona), the Vic Bishopric’s Albergueria-Centre for Cultural Dissemination and the Tarraconense Episcopal Conference’s Interdiocese Secretariat for the Custody and Promotion of Holy Art (SICPAS) decided to address the situation with the help of funding from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. In order to re-position Christian religious heritage in the image of Catalonia as a tourist destination, the aforementioned parties embarked upon a project to set up a series of routes throughout the region, branded under the name Catalonia Sacra.


Author Biographies

Dolors Vidal Casellas

Tourism Faculty, University of Girona, Spain.

Sílvia Aulet Serrallonga

Tourism Faculty, University of Girona, Spain

Neus Crous Costa

Tourism Faculty, University of Girona, Spain.


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How to Cite

Vidal Casellas, D., Aulet Serrallonga, S., & Crous Costa, N. (2013). Structuration and branding of a religious tourism product: catalonia sacra. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(3), 135–145.

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