Video mapping: an opportunity as a dynamic factor of cultural tourism in Malaga.


  • Elisa Ogalla Mancheño
  • José Luis Caro Herrero
  • Ana Luque Gil



videomapping, cultural tourism, Walll painting


Buildings with mural paintings from XVIII century in Malaga represent one of the resources with most tourist potential that the city can offer and are not yet exploited. In this study, we propose how to select the most appropiate buildings according to the requirements of videomapping and cultural tourism. We have studied which methodology is suitable for choosing the location of the videomapping. To this end, a number of criteria have been proposed: some technical and inherent toe Videomapping technology, but most of them tourist. in line with the work of Sust X. (1975) on architectural values in tourism and others based on cultural tourists demands. We concluded that after applying the proposed criteria, only five out of the sixteen buildings included in the study satisfied both technical and tourist criteria satisfactorily. Furthermore, a first methodologic approach to assist tourism agents with location of this technology for the cultural dynamisation of our heritage has been provided.



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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)


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How to Cite

Ogalla Mancheño, E., Caro Herrero, J. L., & Luque Gil, A. (2018). Video mapping: an opportunity as a dynamic factor of cultural tourism in Malaga. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(4), 889–908.


