Between power and rationality tourism governance, tourism policy, tourism planning and public management of tourism




tourism goverment


Since the first research on tourism, several authors have paid attention to the action of the public authorities aimed at the phenomenon. However, there is a notable lack of precision in the use of four concepts that designate different realities: tourism government, tourism policy, planning or public management. The aim of this paper is to reflect on these concepts, trying to understand how they are related and delimiting their use to specific phenomena of public action in the field of tourism. Our proposal is to group them into a relational approach or a rational approach, each with its own questions and with determined budgets, although with closely related concerns and work proposals. Improving the understanding of these concepts and approaches will allow us to develop a more solid research agenda on public action in tourism. 

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How to Cite

Velasco González, M. (2016). Between power and rationality tourism governance, tourism policy, tourism planning and public management of tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(3).