O turismo religioso como objeto de estudo. Revisão bibliográfica sistematizada (2019-2023)
peregrinación, destino, cristianismo, islam, TIC, turismoResumo
O turismo religioso é um importante motor económico e cultural para muitos destinos e é um dos setores que mais cresce no mercado turístico global. Com base em uma meta-análise e uma revisão da literatura emergente do quinquênio 2019-2023 no Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) da Web of Science (WoS), este estudo analisa, a partir de uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, o estado da questão da investigação sobre esta subcategoria do turismo com base num corpus de 500 documentos. Os resultados mais relevantes mostram que a pandemia da Covid-19 afetou a produção científica, sendo a China, os Estados Unidos e a Espanha os três países que mais publicaram sobre o tema. Por seu lado, as pesquisas sobre turismo para destinos do cristianismo e do islamismo são as que aparecem com mais frequência, embora no caso dos destinos ligados ao hinduísmo sejam geralmente sobrerrepresentadas dependendo do número de pessoas que têm esta fé, o que pode ser devido a turismo especializado em meditação e bem-estar.
Abror, A., Wardi, Y., Trinanda, O, y Patrisia, D. 2019. The impact of halal tourism, customer engagement on satisfaction: moderating effect of religiosity. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(7): 633-643.
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Algassim, A. A., Saufi, A., Diswandi, D., y Scott, N. 2022. Residents’ attitudes toward tourism development at Al-Juhfa, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(1): 55-74.
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Bhalla, R., Chowdhary, N., y Ranjan, A. 2021. Spiritual tourism for psychotherapeutic healing post COVID-19. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(8): 769-781.
Belhassen, Y., Caton, K. and Stewart, W.P. 2008. The search for authenticity in the pilgrim experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(3): 668-689.
Budovich, L.S. 2023. The impact of religious tourism on the economy and tourism industry. HTS Theological Studies, 79(1): 1-7.
Bunakov, O. A., Aslanova, D. K., Zaitseva, N. A., Larionova, A. A., Chudnovskiy, A. D., y Eidelman, B. M. 2019. Religious and halal tourism organization peculiarities in Muslim republics. European Journal of Science and Theology, 15(3): 85-96.
Buzinde, C. N. 2020. Theoretical linkages between well-being and tourism: The case of self-determination theory and spiritual tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, (83): 102920.
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Collins-Kreiner, N. 2020. A review of research into religion and tourism launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on religion and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, (82): 102892.
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Durán-Sánchez, A., Álvarez-García, J., del Río-Rama, M.D.L.C., y Oliveira, C. 2018. Religious tourism and pilgrimage: bibliometric overview. Religions, 9(9): 249.
Ekka, P. M. 2023. Halal tourism beyond 2020: concepts, opportunities and future research directions. Journal of Islamic Marketing (Ahead-of-Print).
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Fekete, D., Barkó, G. Á., Dömötör, M., y Czakó, K. 2023. Changing Tourism Trends of the Benedictine Abbey in Tihany: Best Practices of a Hungarian Monastic Community. Religions, 14(4): 435.
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Huang, K. y Pearce, P. 2019. Visitors’ perceptions of religious tourism destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, (14): 100371.
Huang, K., Pearce, P., Guo, Q., y Shen, S. 2020. Visitors’ spiritual values and relevant influencing factors in religious tourism destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(3): 314-324.
Ilhan Ozturk, A.A., y Buket A. 2022. Investigating the nexus between CO2 emissions, economic growth, energy consumption and pilgrimage tourism in Saudi Arabia. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1): 3083-3098.
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Kim, B., Kim, S., y King, B. 2020. Religious tourism studies: evolution, progress, and future prospects. Tourism Recreation Research, 45(2): 185-203.
Li-Pin L., y Wen-Kai H. 2022. Exploring how perceived resilience and restoration affected the wellbeing of Matsu pilgrims during COVID-19. Tourism Management, (90): 104473.
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Prasad, S. D., VT, B., y Dixit, S. K. 2023. Community Support for Religious Tourism: The Role of Place Image, Community Attachment and Overall Quality of Life. Tourism, 71(2): 13327461.
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Rinschede, G. 1992. Forms of religious tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 19(1): 51-67.
Romanelli, M., Gazzola, P., Grechi, D., y Pollice, F. 2021. Towards a sustainability-oriented religious tourism. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 38(3): 386-396.
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Séraphin, H., y Jarraud, N. 2022. COVID-19: Impacts and perspectives for religious tourism events. The case of Lourdes Pilgrimages. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism 23(1): 15-40.
Shinde, K.A., y Olsen, D.H. 2023. Reframing the Intersections of Pilgrimage, Religious Tourism, and Sustainability. Sustainability, (15): 461.
Silva, F. M., Braga, J. L., Otón, M. P., y Borges, I. (2023). Pilgrimages on the Portuguese Way to Santiago de Compostela: Evolution and Motivations. Religions, 14(8): 1017.
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Suban, S.A., Madhan, K., y Shagirbasha, S. 2021. A bibliometric analysis of halal and Islamic tourism. International Hospitality Review, 37(2): 219-242.
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