Tourism subject-matter: Reflections on contemporary subjectivity and its implications for tourism research
tourism, subjectivity, chaosAbstract
This article proposes the subject-matter concept, considering the complexity of contemporary subjectivity and its implications for Tourism. It deals with the machinery of subjectivation, in the processes of deterritorialization of tourism, in times of internationalization, globalization and resignification of relations with tourist destinations and production of life. It is a transdisciplinary approach, involving the areas of Tourism; of Subjectivity, in this case, especially Schizoanalysis; and the Epistemology of Science, with authors who refer to contemporary systemic complexity. It results from research on subjectivity, communication and tourism at the University of São Paulo (USP), University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) and Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). The text also brings flags on methodological practices of research, involving the subjects of tourism, in coherence with the mutation scenario of science. The chaotic subjective field composition is also presented as a result of media-socioeconomic-political and cultural agencies.
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