From the pioneer to the aisle: the banguense memory and its relationship with tourism
Bangu, Technology, TourismAbstract
By looking at Bangu and its socio-cultural peculiarities, one realizes that belonging to this community would exhale signs capable of showing an intricate network of meanings. Through a decentralized look at this object, one can amplify values, characters, explore stories and social experiences that were established there, always taking care to see it as a "mirror" of relationships that would present heterogeneous looks and meanings capable of presenting a new facet to the understanding of the process of formation of this community. Therefore, we propose here a work with cultures, identities and memories of those who participate in the tessitura of relations in Bangu, trying to understand in what way its link with tourism can show that important aspects linked to the memory of this Carioca neighborhood are still neglected.
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