When the face of culture appears: a study on the network of institutional relations for the formatting of public policies on culture in the municipality of Parnaíba - PI
Public Culture Policy, Social Participation, Institutional Relations Network, Field of CultureAbstract
This study is part of the reflection on the implementation of public culture policies in the municipality of Parnaíba. It aimed to identify the configuration of the institutional relations network for the formatting of cultural public policies in the municipality of Parnaíba - PI. The study, of a qualitative nature, had as research subjects governmental and non-governmental organizational actors involved in the cultural area of the municipality of Parnaíba. Semi-structured interviews and observation were used as data collection tools. Content analysis was used as a method of analysis. Given the results, it was found that there is no public policy on culture in the municipality, but the integration of actors to build it. In order for the policy to be consolidated, it is necessary to implement the Municipal Council of Culture, which is in the scope of discussions in debates, forums and conferences.
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