Image, loyalty and tourism promotion. A structural equation modeling analysis
Tourist image, tourist loyalty, structural equations modeling (SEM), buzz marketing, viral marketing, films and tourism, the Way of St. James, Customer Relationship ManagementAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyze the way in which tourist image influences loyalty and the tourism promotion of a specific destination or product. Our work is based on the theories of tourist motivation, cognitive and emotional image and how they shape the general image that impacts on the pursuing loyalty and promotion tourists may make through the various organic communication channels. Furthermore, we address the crucial role played by this type of communication in the promotion of a destination or tourism product. In order to do so, we use a structural equation methodology applied to the data obtained from a survey carried out on pilgrims following the Pilgrims’ Way to Santiago. The results show that the overall image, motivations and origin influence attitudes to destination loyalty as well as the intention to convince friends and relatives, participate in blogs and websites and even write a book.
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