The Web animation system of the Green Wine Route (North of Portugal)


  • José Luís Reis ISMAI-CEDTUR



Green Wine, Wine tourism, Intinerarios


The Web animation system of the Vinhos Verdes Route, assists, through a Web based technology platform, individuals to organize visits to places of tourist interest in the Vinhos Verdes Region. The animation system managed the content associated with the route members, the locations that contain services/activities, the routes, the news and events that constitute a repository of all relevant information inherent to the heritage associated with wine tourism in the Vinhos Verdes Region. The animation system, which includes a Database Management System, interacts with a map?based Framework of the Google Maps system, and is integrated in the Vinhos Verdes Region Web portal, establishing itself as one of the technical tools used by marketing, particularly to disseminate content, to understand the visitor’s origin and how they navigate in the Web animation system.


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How to Cite

Reis, J. L. (2015). The Web animation system of the Green Wine Route (North of Portugal). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(1), 275–284.


