Collective action, cooperativism and tourism: Case study of the Mennonite Community of Witmarsum (Paraná/Brazil)
tourism, cooperative, mennonites, witmarsum/PRAbstract
This article is an analysis of collective action and the use of common resources for tourism development in the Mennonite community of Witmarsum (Palmeira municipality, Paraná, Brazil). The research is divided in different phases: a) bibliographical research on theories of agency and collective work; b) bibliographical and documental research on Tourism in Witmarsum and the Parana Cooperative for Tourism (COOPTUR); and c) interviews with local leaders involved in tourism development through cooperative action. Based on Ostrom’s principles (2011) for community studies with reference to collective actions that are making use of commons, it can be observed that Witmarsum has a vast potential for cooperative development activities due the fact that it is an ethnic?religious community with a shared migration history based on a religious fundament in Mennonite faith. It should be mentioned, however, that the dynamics of touristic cooperative activities are different from traditional agricultural cooperatives in Witmarsum.
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