Second residence and the construction of territorial identity bonds in the Costa das Dunas / RN Pole


  • Maria Aparecida Pontes da Fonseca Maria UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE
  • Maria Lúcia Bastos Alves Lúcia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Renata Mayara Moreira de Lima Renata Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



second home, emotional and territorial ties, user, tourist, leisure


The article aims to discuss the construction of territorial identity bonds that second home residents establish with the place for leisure purposes. The quanti-qualitative methodology was used, with random samples using the technique of questionnaires and structured interviews applied in municipalities located at the Costa das Dunas Pole. It was verified that the place where the second residence is located represents for the user-owner a place of "vacation" "leisure and fun" "tranquility" and "family reunion". The creation of territorial identity bonds is based on a set of meanings built from the use of this type of property, such as allowing family reunion in an integrated manner and detached from daily obligations; besides providing new forms of sociability, such as affective relationships with temporary neighbors. It is concluded that the identity constructed from the use of the secondary residence is composed of diverse social and symbolic representations, which allow a different and particular relationship of the subject with the place visited.


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Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Pontes da Fonseca Maria, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE

Doutora em Geografia pela UFRJ. Professora do Departamento de Geografia/UFRN. Lider do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa Turismo e Sociedade


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How to Cite

Maria, M. A. P. da F., Lúcia, M. L. B. A., & Renata, R. M. M. de L. (2016). Second residence and the construction of territorial identity bonds in the Costa das Dunas / RN Pole. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(5), 1229–1240.


