"Gaucho Land" or "Gaucholandia"? Authenticity in San Antonio de Areco (Argentina)
San antonio de Areco, Gaucho, Authenticity, TraditionAbstract
Among the works that aim to investigate the question of authenticity, three perspectives can be distinguished. Firstly, there are those studies that prioritize its significance in terms of the tourist experience; secondly, those that take into account the context of use by the different actors involved in tourism practice; and finally, those that analyze authenticity as a quality that can be acquired after some time. In this article, it is interesting to define authenticity as a process of social construction. In the process of heritage and tourism valuation, different actors participate and negotiate the characteristics or requirements that a certain element or site may have in order to be considered authentic. The analysis of the case of San Antonio de Areco, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, will allow us to analyze how authenticity is constructed and used discursively and materially, through time, by different social actors.
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