Guayaquil, a city of arcades: a reflection about its importance and its current use
Guayaquil, porches, architecture, heritage, architectural heritage, cultural tourismAbstract
The city of Guayaquil presents a quite interesting architectural characteristic for the traditional use of the walker, as well as for the visitors and tourists who walk along its streets, especially in the zone called "regenerated", the same one that is known as the "center" of Guayaquil. This architectural characteristic is the arcades, which, apart from their traditional use in the city - especially in the area mentioned above - also have a reason for being, both climatic (being a protection against sun and rain), and economic (this area is used as a space for the sale of various products, in shops set up for this purpose). This article will show the main characteristics of some buildings in the city of Guayaquil, their aesthetics reflected in the use of the arcades, and their possible use for tourist interest, especially for tourists and visitors interested in cultural and heritage tourism in the city.
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