The biosphere reserve of the argan tree: Eco-tourism a new territory South of Morocco
rural tourism, argan biosphere reserve, sustainable development, eco‑territory, governanceAbstract
The Argan Biosphere Reserve (ABR) is a unique territory in the South of Morocco. It has obtained this status in 1998 thanks to its ecosystem, its unique forest in the world and its numerous cultural Amazigh (Berber) activities. The ABR has a strong natural, human and cultural potential as far as tourism is concerned. Nowadays, it is essential to establish a tourism eco-territory in this region. This requires, first of all, a perfect knowledge of the territory and its issues and the implementation of an integrated and coordinated approach with all the local stakeholders. The implementation of a comprehensive and participatory strategy will integrate the protection and development of the natural and socio-cultural heritage, the improvement of the quality of tourism structures, the global promotion of the territory and its tourism products as well as a self-assessment of every action in the ABR.
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