The development trough tourism agenda in Peru and its relationship with international interests


  • María Luisa Rendón Puertas



development, tourism, international relationships, public policies, Peru


This essay puts in evidence the relationship between development through tourism agenda in Peru and international interests related to development in this field. With that aim, we use theoric elements on development, public policies and international relationships, starting from the description of historic information of politic and economic construction of Peruvian state. We point out main features in international policies of Peru in the XXI century and identify the national agenda of development through tourism, formed by norms, strategies, technical apparatus and programmes that show intersubjectivities and links with international interests. The information was obtained using in-depth interviews and reviewing official documents and publications. We hope to contribute to achieve a better knowledge of ideas linked to development paradigms that are shared by both local and global actors, as well as in the critical analysis of tourism.


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How to Cite

Rendón Puertas, M. L. (2014). The development trough tourism agenda in Peru and its relationship with international interests. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(3), 697–708.



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