Small historic cities and their visitors: application to a historic city of North Portugal


  • Ana Paula Rodrigues
  • Isabel Vieira
  • Mário Sérgio Teixeira



Heritage, Management, Visitors, Historic cities


The characterization of tourism demand in a particular location is a relevant issue for both the analysis of the tourism current situation and for its planning and development. This article aims to describe the general visitor profile of historic small cities, as well as their opinion about heritage management performed. The study was applied to a historic city in northern Portugal (city of Lamego) that integrates the delimitation of the Douro World Heritage of Humanity. In methodological terms, we used a quantitative approach by conducting an survey by questionnaire administered to 339 visitors of this historic city. The results led to a better understanding of visitors in terms of the demographic profile, the product consumed, the tourism experience and management and the type of trip. This knowledge proves to be necessary to adjust supply with demand in a sustainable development vision, being useful for different stakeholders of this tourist destination.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, A. P., Vieira, I., & Teixeira, M. S. (2014). Small historic cities and their visitors: application to a historic city of North Portugal. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(3), 521–540.


