Perception on Rural Tourism in development local. Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, Mexico
Rural tourism, Indigenous, Benefits, RisksAbstract
The native peoples have been incorporated into tourist activities, not always with their consent. Cuetzalan del Progreso with an indigenous population, Totonacos and Nahuas, nestled in the northeastern Sierra of Puebla, Mexico, has been recognized as the best tourist town that, in a context of inequality and marginalization, shows a social and economic movement that allows its population, preserve its natural and cultural diversity. With exotic vegetation and fauna and a way of life based on coffee, it shows its mystical-rituals celebrations with the dance of the quetzals and the flyers that intermingle pre-Hispanic and Christian traditions. That they take risks in front of the tourist with the expectation of improving their living conditions. Tourism is analyzed from the perception of the general population, the locals involved in tourism and from the perspective of the tourist. With 96 interviews conducted during 2016 and 2018. The three groups express differential perceptions about economic benefits and improvement of life, (p>0.05) of the local population, pointing out incipient losses in clothing, language and traditions (p>0.05). They express different perceptions in the generation of employment, economic development, and in satisfaction with their People (p<0.05), and about the environment, values and customs (p<0.05).
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