Ecovillages as a Development Model and the case of Api-Tourism in Sustainable Settlements


  • Esther Alicia González-Arnedo
  • Mario Izquierdo-Gascon Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Angeles Rubio Gil Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Sustainable development, api-tourism, green economy, environment, ecovillage


The study on ecovillages is characterized by the heterogeneity of its sources, being of great interest the delimitation of its theoretical and empirical framework for the knowledge of its structure, functions, and its pioneering perspectives together with its future in the light of international policies in sustainability. A methodological triangulation (structural, comparative and hypothetical-inductive) is used to develop the approach to the concept, evolution, status, and its role in the context of a green, circular, and sustainable economy. In addition, beekeeping as a fundamental activity within “Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas” (RIE) in Spain was examined through the realization of surveys and shown to be non-existent. Thus, api-tourism is considered as an applicable paradigm for the insertion of regenerative activities that are more in line with current demands and a tourism niche which potentially contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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How to Cite

González-Arnedo, E. A., Izquierdo-Gascon, M., & Rubio Gil, A. (2022). Ecovillages as a Development Model and the case of Api-Tourism in Sustainable Settlements. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(5), 1143–1161.