Perspectives of research on Hospitality in Tourism: national versus international scenario
Hospitality in Tourism, Journal papers, Authorship, Thematic content, SustainabilityAbstract
The tourism model was already showing signs of exhaustion even before the Covid‑19 pandemic, and new research paradigms are being sought to support a more ethical and responsible tourism. One possible path seems to be Hospitality in Tourism, whose scientific production is scarce. A bibliometric study focusing on articles was conducted to systematize the knowledge produced and identify guidelines on Hospitality in Tourism Studies. Using Spell Check and Web of Science, two research samples were composed. The journals with the highest frequency were Hospitality Journal, Rosa dos Ventos and Hospitality & Society. In the temporal evolution of the keywords, references to hospitality research in tourism emerged, with a focus on overtourism, accessibility, gift‑giving, Airbnb, sharing economy, and emotional solidarity. It was possible to reinforce the trend of aligning hospitality in tourism with the social dimension of the economic dimension of sustainability.
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