Perception of economic development in a Magical Town: San Sebastián del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico
Tourism, Perceptions, Local development, Magical Towns of Mexico, JaliscoAbstract
Tourist activity is transforming the economic life of a community with sui generis characteristics. Three events have led to this transformation: the resurgence of new tourism demands, the construction of the highway and the incursion of the federal program of Magic Towns. The objective of this paper focuses on rescuing the voices of local actors on the subject, for which we resorted to the grounded theory methodology to build a new object of study, which questioned local development in San Sebastián del Oeste. The technique used was the Atlas ti program. Among the main results, it was found that: the economic benefits generated by the influx of tourists to the area are reflected in the investments of external enterprises. The locals obtain marginal income. The economic sector with the greatest advantages is local gastronomy.
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