Rating infrastructure religious buildings for accessible tourism in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
accessible tourism, religious tourism, temples, tourists, infrastructure, anthropometric criteriaAbstract
In all kind of ways, religious and accessible tourisms have promoted social awareness, learning and health and have generated considerable economic earning due to massive displacement of people who practice them. However, accessible tourists have found a series of architectural obstacles to access temples. Because of that, religious buildings in Villahermosa, Tabasco, México were anthropometrically valued to determine whether the infrastructure was eligible for this kind of visitor. The temples were characterized, key informants were interviewed and an evaluation matrix was designed based on Gutierrez and Buenfil (2005) thirteen anthropometric criteria values. The results showed that seven valued temples partially met the accessibility requirements; this means needs had tourists were not appropriately considered. Therefore, it is also necessary to apply suitability standards for infrastructure and equipment not only this sort of building but for some others.
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