Tourist mobility in a climate of expectations, uncertainties and encounters. Portrait of a pandemic summer in a town in the Sierras de Córdoba region, Argentina
coronavirus, mobility, tourism, summer, transformationsAbstract
This research analyses "tourist mobility" in the context of the health crisis of COVID-19 to unravel the meanings that situated actors produce about this practice at an exceptional moment in history. Based on an ethnographic case, the archetype of the Argentine tourist corridor, this article portrays the 2020-2021 holiday season, investigating the experiences of tourists and permanent residents who received seasonal displacements in their territories. From here, it was possible to recover a series of transformations that allow us to understand how the pandemic disrupted the meanings associated with “summer culture” and its counterpoint, “the local tourist season”; all this with the purpose of outlining triggering hypotheses about the traces that this atypical season may have left on tourism practice.
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