“The Indian does not like being captive”: Labor and Tradition in Pataxó Economic Activities in the Village of Coroa Vermelha
Indians, Pataxó, Coroa Vermelha, Economic Activities, RepresentationsAbstract
This paper deals with the representations of Pataxó Indians of the village of Coroa Vermelha, municipality of Santa Cruz Cabrália, in the state of Bahia / Brazil about work and their economic activities. Presents reflections on the native understandings of these activities and concluding to refer to the understanding built by indians about the work and its relation with the tradition. The article is the result of doctoral research, with fieldwork conducted between 2008 and 2011, which expounded upon appropriation by the Indians of tourism as main economic activity and the changes made in the form of practicing tourism, wich in the process I describe as indianization of tourism. The ethnography aims to investigate the settings of the relationship between economics and tradition contextualized by an inner vision, that is, described in the terms presented by the indians, of the category tradition.
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