Co-evaluation of viability conditions in community-based tourism initiatives in Colombia
Community-based tourism, sustainable development, culture of peace, tourism management, tourism planning.Abstract
Tourism in Colombia has been referred to by recent governments as the new oil, sustainable and intensive employment. This study is interested in community-based tourism as a positive peace-building strategy in rural areas. Thus, through participatory action research, 20 community projects were accompanied in 20 departments of the country, with the purpose of co-evaluating the motivations, capacities, opportunities, and threats for tourism. A mixed research design shows intermediate competencies of supply (3.5/5), demand (2.7/5) and support (2.6). The hierarchically organized motivations shown are 1) to increase income, 2) to preserve heritage, 3) to organize and 3) to make problems visible. In addition, collective interpretations of tourism were constructed by analyzing positive and negative impacts. It is suggested that the strengths linked to natural resources, knowledge and culture can be exploited to attract more tourists, generate alliances with external actors and achieve greater differentiation.
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