Insecurity and economic crisis in the social imaginary of Playas de Rosarito, Baja California


  • Jesús angel enríquez acosta
  • Alejandra Meza
  • Noelia Fierro



Tourism, economic crisis, insecurity, imaginary, Playas de Rosarito


This study presents an analysis about how residents of Playas de Rosarito in Baja California imagine and perceive the impact of the most recent North American economic crisis and the Mexican insecurity in tourist activity, which is the main economic occupation of the place. The resident’s testimonies show the social, urban, and cultural transition of this tourist place and the problems associated to fast growing cities. It is a border town with the United States where tourism associated with the use of alcohol and weekend entertainment as well as second residence tourism led to American is dominant. The context of the economic crisis and the prevailing insecurity in Mexico resulted in a reduction of the tourist activity and a feeling of uncertainty and sorrow in the community residents.


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How to Cite

enríquez acosta, J. angel, Meza, A., & Fierro, N. (2014). Insecurity and economic crisis in the social imaginary of Playas de Rosarito, Baja California. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(3), 463–475.


