Natural and historical-cultural resources as strategic elements in rural tourism in Santana do Livramento, RS/Brazil
Rural tourism, Natural, Historical and Cultural Resources, Tourism Strategies, Market niche, Pampas region, DifferentiationAbstract
This study is aimed at analysing the tourism strategies adopted by the owners of Estância da Glória and Fazenda Palomas, true pioneers of rural tourism in the municipality of Santana do Livramento, Brazil using comparative case studies and qualitative content analysis of interviews, observation and photographic records. The results showed that natural, cultural and historical resources have been used in creative interpretations to explore the potential of the properties, adapting their offer of tourist activities to the demand of their market segment. It also showed that there was room for improvement. For the owners, entrepreneurship in rural tourism is linked to innovation, to the possibility of integrating tourism with agricultural activities, to generate complementary income, preserve their natural resources, conserve their historical and cultural heritage and produce a sense of belonging and identification of the visitors with local/regional culture and history.
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