The acquisition of real estate by foreigners in coastal and border areas of Mexico (2008-2019)
Alienation, Bank trusteeship, Residential tourismAbstract
Numerous studies discuss the impact generated by the influx of foreign buyers onto the real estate markets of coastal and tourist towns. However, estimates on the number of buyers, their degree of concentration in the territory, the type and size of the property acquired, are hard to calculate due to both conceptual difficulties and empirical limitations. This work examines the market of foreign buyers in the coastal and border areas of Mexico from a quantitative approach based on the records of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) from 2008-2019. The analysis reveals a high concentration of foreign buyers in a group of localities as well as variations between destinations regarding buyers’ nationality and the average area of the purchased property. These findings contribute to the discussion on the “alienation” of local space from different perspectives such as residential tourism, north-south migration and land grabbing.
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