From abundance to gastronomic delights: An ethnography of the new opportunities for attracting tourism in Las Hurdes (Cáceres)
Ethnography, Extremadura, tourism, sustainabilityAbstract
Las Hurdes has long been the symbol in Spain for the most atrocious hunger and extreme poverty. Different studies have shown how that dramatic association continues to condition many habits still in the present. Based on a qualitative ethnographic study, we have approached the way in which this past continues influencing food and gastronomic habits and customs. This empirical material has allowed us to delimit different categories such as abundance, tradition, sustainability and exquisiteness that show an important change in the catering business in the area. This opens up a new avenue of tourist attractions that could well help tourism development, still largely insufficient in the region. In the conclusions, the public administrations are urged to make a firm commitment to changing associations and to overcome the traditional difficulties of collaboration between public and private sectors.
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- Academic society
- PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
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- Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)
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