Harmful interventions against cultural heritage and their impact on tourism
cultural heritage, heritage conservation, vandalism, tourism, social responsibilityAbstract
The main goal of this study is to investigate the tourist effects on heritage damage caused by pernicious interventions (whether such are intentional or not). At the same time, it seeks to analyse the reasons that lead to these actions and also to make these measures and actions known. Six (6) heritage resources were selected as objects on account of their social relevance and impact in the media. The qualitative-quantitative methodology used is based on the content analysis of the news in the press along with interviews held with 11 experts/professionals in the field. The results reveal that it is necessary to apply strong sanctions against irresponsible acts towards heritage, besides implementing more political and administrative measures of protection and control of cultural heritage. Finally, a proposal is put forward to work in a series of areas where tourism emerges to project heritage interpretation as a strategy to contribute to awareness-raising and social responsibility.
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