Turnover in the hospitality industry: can reciprocity solve the problem?


  • Guglielmo Faldetta Kore University of Enna
  • Vincenzo Fasone Kore University of Enna
  • Carmelo Provenzano Kore University of Enna




Human Resources, Companies, Tourism


Loss of employees is one of the main problems for the tourism industry, with many negative impacts on businesses. Human resource management practices, in particular organizational commitment and job satisfaction, are often indicated as possible tools to keep turnover rates down. Reciprocity can be a powerful tool for managing the working relationship. When employees perceive commitment as a key element, which may exceed their expectations, employees will be more willing to demonstrate greater commitment to their organization. The main objective of this theoretical paper is to show how reciprocity can strengthen the working relationship, which increases job satisfaction and commitment, and thus contribute to lower turnover rates


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Author Biographies

Guglielmo Faldetta, Kore University of Enna

Assistant Professor of Business Organization. Faculty of Economics and Law. Kore University of Enna

Vincenzo Fasone, Kore University of Enna

Assistant Professor of Business Management. Faculty of Economics and Law. Kore University of Enna

Carmelo Provenzano, Kore University of Enna

Assistant Professor of Applied Economics. Faculty of Economics and Law. Kore University of Enna


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How to Cite

Faldetta, G., Fasone, V., & Provenzano, C. (2013). Turnover in the hospitality industry: can reciprocity solve the problem?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(4), 583–595. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2013.11.052




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