The Obelisk of Buenos Aires and its conformation as a tourist site




Obelisk, Tourism value, Place, Social Semiotics, Buenos Aires, Argentina


One of the best-known places in Buenos Aires is the Obelisk. It is, for that reason, frequently called a “symbol”, “icon” or “monument” of the city, as one of its main tourist attractions. This paper analyses the Obelisk’s symbolism as a tourist site/sight in three dimensions: as a location that is accessible, centrally located and connected by multiple modes of transportation; as an attractive locale, the epicenter of both local actions (political acts and protests, celebrations of sports' victories, commemorations of historical events) as well as global campaigns and initiatives carried out in the country; and as a monument with a meaning that has been historically constructed and is understandable to tourists. This last dimension is explored in detail by applying the theory of social semiosis and carrying out a historical analysis of the discourse associated with obelisks from the times of Ancient Egypt up to 19th-century Europe and modern Latin America.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Moz, C. (2022). The Obelisk of Buenos Aires and its conformation as a tourist site. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(2), 407–415.