Estimating the Economic and social Impacts of historical reenactments: “The Weddings of Isabel de Segura” in Teruel (Spain)
Cultural heritage, Weddings of Isabel de Segura, social impact, Tourism, Tourist, RecreationAbstract
The organisation of tourist events based on historical settings and recreation of the past, may have a positive economic impact, along with tourist and community benefits. For any place considering such events, it is vital to be able to forecast the possible impacts. This article analyses and describes the economic, tourist and community impact of the historical recreation of "Isabel de Segura's wedding celebrations" in the town of Teruel, an inland tourist destination in Spain. For the study, effect methodology to help us measure the quantitative and qualitative aspects of this great event. It is clear from the results that intangible heritage, based on artistic and monumental heritage, is an advanced resource for tourist competitiveness in such places as it used creatively.
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