Notes for tourism management in Spain after the Covid-19 public health crisis


  • Patricia Arold Lario U.N.E.D Departamente de Economía y Empresa.



Covid-19, tourism management, cultural tourism, safe tourism, sustainable tourism


The impact caused in the tourism sector by the public health crisis linked to coronavirus Covid-19 and the need to protect the population from subsequent infection marks a necessary change in the model of tourism in coastal areas in Spain where mass tourism was the norm. Relevant reforms must be made to soften the economic effects of the drop in foreign tourism. In the case of cultural tourism in urban areas and inland, there is an en excellent opportunity to make structural changes in management that pre-Covid was already experiencing serious problems. In this document we attempt to highlight the elements that may be key to future reform.


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How to Cite

Arold Lario, P. (2021). Notes for tourism management in Spain after the Covid-19 public health crisis. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(1), 189–194.