Country tourism as an economic alternative to the semi-arid


  • Giovanni de Farias Seabra



Sertanejo Tourism, Social development, Agro-ecotourism


The Sertanejo Tourism is a leisure form based in the natural landscape, in the cultural heritage and in the social development of the interior areas of the Brasil. In virtue of its character natural, social, cultural ecological and landscape, the Sertanejo Tourism interferes in the perspective environmental development/preservation of the interiors of the Country. It has as main objective to promote the inte- grated understanding of the environment in their multiple and complex relationships, involving the aspects physical, biological, social, economical, technological, cultural, scientific and ethical. In a quite synthetic way, it can be said that the Sertanejo Tourism interferes in the category of exotic tourism, a mixed of agro-ecotourism, with emphasis in the valorization of the regional cultural identity and in the improvement of the conditions of the local community's life..


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Author Biography

Giovanni de Farias Seabra

Doutor em Geografia Física, Prof. Adjunto do.


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Gallero, Álvaro Lopes 2000 Realidades del espacio del empleo en el sector turístico. IV Encontro Nacional de Turismo com Base Local. Anais. Joinville: IELUSC, novembro.

Neu, Claudia 1990 O garimpo manual de Igatu e seus efeitos no meio ambiente. FFLCH/UFPE.

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Seabra, Giovanni F 1997 Fundamentos e Perspectivas da Geografia. João Pessoa: Editora UFPB.

Seabra, Giovanni F 2001aPesquisa Científica: o método em questão. Brasília: Editora UnB.

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Seabra, Giovanni F 2001c Plano de Negócios CAATINGA Sistema I - Turismo Social. Ouricuri



How to Cite

de Farias Seabra, G. (2003). Country tourism as an economic alternative to the semi-arid. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 1(2), 137–143.