Social and environmental planning model based on a database of sustainability indicators in the context of local development


  • Takeshy Tachizawa FACCAMP
  • Hamilton Pozo Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi



local sustainable development, public policies establishment, sustainability indicators, systemic guidelines of biodiversity, website of social and environmental informations


The paper presents a model of social and environmental planning, designed from the analysis of sustainability indicators in the municipality of Floresta do Xingu (MT). The model, developed by the method of case study aims to contributing to the ecological monitoring of the region. This regional context, located in the basin of the Xingu, is known as arc of deforestation in the Amazon Region. The proposed model provides the basis for a social and environmental zoning plan, allowed the identification of effects of intensity of land use. And, as well as, the influence of the relations established by local communities (indigenous land and settlement projects), loss of habitat, natural condition, the environmental quality of the vegetation and water resources of the region. The implications arising from the implementation can help governments and public managers in the formulation of possible spatial arrangements for the region and to identify priority areas for biodiversity conservation.


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Recibido: 20/05/2013 Reenviado: 01/12/2014 Aceptado: 07/04/2014 Sometido a evaluación por pares anónimos



How to Cite

Tachizawa, T., & Pozo, H. (2014). Social and environmental planning model based on a database of sustainability indicators in the context of local development. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 791–805.


