The humanization of images broadcast by advertising of monumental tourist destinations: the case of Girona
Romantic image, Shown images, Signs, Individual consumption, Collective consumptionAbstract
This article is based on the presentation of the results of a study on the humanisation of the image of cultural destinations, applied to the case of the city of Girona. According to the theories raised by different authors, we were interested in analyzing if the tourist images shown by the tourist publicity are influenced by romantic references typical of the dynamics of individual consumption. That is to say, if these images project a vision of an empty city, a museum-city, an individual panoramic or an individual consumption experience. The results of the analysis allow us to affirm that a mythical image of the city exists and it has a clearly romantic origin. Nevertheless, on the other hand, a specific glance exists where the tension between the individual freedom and the social conventionalism is demonstrated.
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