Cultural tourism trends




Cultural tourism, cultural heritage, trends, demand, sustainable tourism


This work aims to reflect on the characteristics of global tourism growth and its relation to cultural tourism development. The next few years will witness remarkable growth in tourism numbers, with visitors coming with diverse demographic, geographic, functional, and cultural backgrounds. Under the paradigm that cultural tourism should contribute to life quality improvement of all those involved, this work proposes different lines of action that contribute to the sustainability of the cultural and tourism sector. The document addresses other trends, such as the need for a balance between marketing and planning, the collective construction of tourist images, the importance of intangible heritage, or the growing presence of new technologies in all aspects of cultural tourism.


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Author Biography

Pilar Espeso-Molinero, Universidad de Alicante


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How to Cite

Espeso-Molinero, P. (2019). Cultural tourism trends. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(6), 1101–1112.

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