From the resonances of tourism to the echoes of the landscape: analysis of trends in ecotourism and the perception of its landscapes
Nature, Leisure, Contemplation, Ecoturismo, PerceptionAbstract
The present article considers the revision of the trends for the practical one of the ecoturismo in the specialized bibliography. Through also the research in sites of hotels and operators of the area one searched to complement and to verify in the practical a concretion of these trends. It was looked through the field research to define if the ecoturismo could exactly be faced in itself as a trend or if it would be possible define it as a trend that makes possible the attendance of some basic necessities of the human being, as contact with the nature, its contemplation and the necessity of the playful one through the ad- venture idea. Thus, it was analyzed perception of the young public (bigger consumer of ecoturismo) regarding the landscapes and the relations of these perceptions with the subjects: ecoturismo, contempla- tion, leisure and adventure.
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