Relationship between tourism, gender and sex. The case of Buzios = Brazil


  • Juana Alejandrina Norrild



Sex, Woman, Gender, Tourism, Buzios


The relationship between sex and tourism has followed different paths starting from the Gay / Lesbian friendly market to nudist tourism or prostitution. Not withstanding, there are sill few initiatives to stop this kind of tourism that brings with its huge social problems and scandalizes the public opinion. This is probably due to the fact that from an historic point of view matters related to sex are associated with taboo and therefore are not easy to understand. This article describes a case study made in Buzios, Brazil, by means of three variables in which women are implied and tourism appears as an indicator of the sexism that is evident in present society. Two variables show the efficiency of social policies of consciousness.


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Author Biography

Juana Alejandrina Norrild

Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina. Se desempeña como investigadora asociada en el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos (Buenos Aires – Argentina). Ha participado en la publicación de varios libros relacionados con el patrimonio y es autora de numerosos artículos académicos publicados en Argentina y el exterior.


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How to Cite

Norrild, J. A. (2007). Relationship between tourism, gender and sex. The case of Buzios = Brazil. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(3), 331–341.