Genealogy of the difficult relationship between social anthropology and tourism


  • Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal



power, knowledge, epistemology, anthropology


This text transforms the process of anthropological knowledge on tourism in the object of comprehension itself. To achieve this, a genealogy of tourism as an phenomenological object of study is traced back along three epistemological momenta between anthropology and tourism. The analysis con- cludes that discrete and dialectical analyses has been progressively abandoned and substituted by contex- tual models where dialogics and the metaphor of continuum are present.


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Author Biography

Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal

Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal es antropólogo social y profesor titular de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (España).


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How to Cite

Nogués Pedregal, A. M. (2009). Genealogy of the difficult relationship between social anthropology and tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(1), 43–56.