La investigación sobre la identificación de los recursos histórico- turístico del proyecto estratégico del Centro de la Ciudad de Colima: una experiencia de colaboración


  • Irma Magaña Carrillo
  • Carmen Padín Fabeiro



Downtown, Sustainability, Local Development, Tourist Identity, Holism


It is presented the process of collaborative work related to Colima City’s Downtown (Méxi- co), describing its importance for tourist planning based on tourist-use heritage. Local collaborative work is defined also as an element of an integral planning model, which was promoted by a Local Chamber of Commerce and the University of Colima. A methodological proposal is highlighted. It was based on natural semantic network application to a focus group of experts, just as paradigmatic subject interviews. In order to achieve the objective of tourist resources identification and through designing a holistic mod- el, this will serve as a central axis of sustainable specific actions.


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Author Biographies

Irma Magaña Carrillo

Irma Magaña Carrillo. Turismo, Administración y Calidad Total de Servicio. Universidad de Colima, México.

Carmen Padín Fabeiro

 Carmen Padín Fabeiro. Desarrollo Regional. Universidad de Vigo, España.


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How to Cite

Magaña Carrillo, I., & Padín Fabeiro, C. (2009). La investigación sobre la identificación de los recursos histórico- turístico del proyecto estratégico del Centro de la Ciudad de Colima: una experiencia de colaboración. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(2), 239–253.