The importance of lifestyle entrepreneurship: A conceptual study of the tourism industry


  • Mike Peters
  • Joerg Frehse
  • Dimitrios Buhalis



lifestyle, entrepreneurship, tourism, entrepreneurial motives


The purpose of the paper is to explore and discuss the emergence of lifestyle entrepreneurship. The article addresses the question of the relationship between entrepreneur’s life qual- ity and enterprise growth. The purpose is to conceptualize this relationship and to learn more about life- style entrepreneurship. Tourism serves as a case industry to illustrate both relevant research in the field of lifestyle entrepreneurship and a conceptual framework to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial activities and perceived life quality. The paper delivers a literature review on entrepre- neurship and certain forms of entrepreneurship and conceptualizes lifestyle enterprise’s growth.


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Author Biographies

Mike Peters

Associate Professor. Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism. University of Innsbruck. Un- iversitätsstrasse 15. A-6020 Innsbruck. Web:

Joerg Frehse

 Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck. Universitätsstrasse 15. A-6020 Innsbruck. Web:

Dimitrios Buhalis

International Centre for Tourism & Hospitality Research. Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, UK.  Web:


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How to Cite

Peters, M., Frehse, J., & Buhalis, D. (2009). The importance of lifestyle entrepreneurship: A conceptual study of the tourism industry. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 393–405.