Community Ecotourism and Gender in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve (Mexico)


  • Isis Arlene Díaz Carrión



ecotourism, natural protected area, gender


As a consequence of the declaration of a Natural Protected Area, the inhabitants of these lands are faced with the need to modify some aspects of their lives; these modifications do not only refer to a change in the productive activity, but also imply a social and cultural change. When these changes are taken advantage of to also modify the social norms regarding gender, it is possible to open spaces for women; thus, ecotourism can be used as an economic alternative, as an environmental education tool, and as an opportunity for the control of resources and active participation of women in the design of their communities' development.


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Author Biography

Isis Arlene Díaz Carrión

 Isis Arlene Díaz Carrión es doctoranda en el Departamento de Geografía Humana de la UniversidadComplutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Díaz Carrión, I. A. (2010). Community Ecotourism and Gender in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve (Mexico). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(1), 151–165.