The cultural heritage as a complementary offer to sun and beach tourism. The case of southeastern Buenos Aires. Argentina.


  • Guillermina Fernández
  • Aldo G. Ramos



Complementarity, Seasonal Variation, Tourism of the Sun and beach, Cultural Tourism, Cultural Heritage


The present article raises the need to complement the traditional tourism of the sun and beach with the cultural tourism, generating new products from the cultural heritage. This can allow desestacionalizar the first one and to promote the growth of the second one, extending regionally the benefits of the tourism. This general frame is applied to the region southeast of the Province of Buenos Aires, in the Republic Argentina, being a problematics to resolving in many other tourist spaces of the world.


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Author Biographies

Guillermina Fernández

Licenciada en geografía y Master en Gestión Pública del Turismo.

Aldo G. Ramos

Licenciado en gegrafía y Postgraduado en Consultoría Política.


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How to Cite

Fernández, G., & Ramos, A. G. (2010). The cultural heritage as a complementary offer to sun and beach tourism. The case of southeastern Buenos Aires. Argentina. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(1), 139–149.