Landscape and cultural identity in the promotion of the image of Isla Margarita as a tourist destination


  • Mercedes Anato Martínez
  • Bertha Rivas Alfonzo
  • María A. González Agra



Landscape, Identity, Promotion of a tourist destiny, Tourist image, Isla Margarita


The identity of the natural landscape is subordinate to the natural elements; whereas the cul- tural identity is constructed from the human action on original means. The work has its main objetive in analyze the paper that plays the landscape and the cultural identity in the promotion of the tourist image of Isla Margarita (Venezuela). The results indicate that the efforts have concentrated in the advantage of the product Sun and Beach; nevertheless the visitors emphasize the natural physical attributes, the activi- ties associated to those attributes and the social component. However, the patrimonial resources are not valued, because they are not recognized like part of the landscape, which demonstrates a deficient policy of promotion of these attributes.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Anato Martínez

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Tecnología de Servicios Apartado postal 89000, Caracas, Venezuela.

Bertha Rivas Alfonzo

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Tecnología de Servicios Apartado postal 89000, Caracas, Venezuela.

María A. González Agra

Universidad de Oriente, Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo, Departamento de Turismo Guatamare, 6301, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela


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How to Cite

Anato Martínez, M., Rivas Alfonzo, B., & González Agra, M. A. (2010). Landscape and cultural identity in the promotion of the image of Isla Margarita as a tourist destination. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(1), 113–124.