Perception of the performance of tourism activity towards sustainability in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Sustainability, Tourism, Perception, MexicoAbstract
Loreto is a tourist destination that has outstanding characteristics for the practice of cultural and nature tourism, it has a distinctive as a Magical Town granted by the Tourism Secretary of Mexico; It is also part of the area of influence of Loreto Bay National Park. Based on the foregoing, the present work focuses on the characterization and performance of the tourist activity considering the perception of the tourist and key actors of the place. A qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach was used, using interviews, surveys and observation guides. The results show a positive perception and an outstanding satisfaction of the tourist about the quality, care and conservation of the cultural and natural attractions of the destination; however, the key actors perceive unsustainable practices and lack of consensus in decision making. At the same time, there is an increasing activity of private and governmental initiatives that can favor sustainable tourism practices.
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